将求职信、简历和三(3)份以前主管的专业推荐信寄到收件人 resumes@svztur.com
请注明工作代码 键为 在主题中 你的电子邮件行.
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如果你被选为这个职位,需要对你的背景进行调查. 有关 背景调查是可用的 在这里.
标题: | 行政专家-钥匙计划 |
发布日期: |
申请日期: |
应用现状: |
职位类型: | 全职 |
工资: |
这个职位的工作时间为37小时.每周5小时(7.5小时的课程,不包括半小时或1小时的午餐.这些工作时间应由主管和员工在雇佣之初商定. 注意:这个职位有时需要在晚上和周末工作. 员工可以选择在这段时间工作,或者在正常时间之外工作,或者代替正常时间工作.
监督钥匙接待工作,并为学生提供行政支持, staff and administration for implementing and reporting for the Keystone Education Yields Success (KEYS) Program. The KEYS program is a fast-paced environment and the ability to ensure that appointment deadlines for grant requirements and performance measures are met. KEYS provides intensive case management/student facilitation services to Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) recipients while attending 雷丁区社区学院. This individual may deal with challenging situations and will need to respond in a professional and diplomatic manner. He or she will have access to confidential information and as such must possess a high level of confidentiality.
- Monitor the 键项目 Main Office to ensure an environment that is student-centered and conducive to work. Provide customer service to at-risk students as initial point of contact in the KEYS Main Office to ensure that the students feel welcomed and able to ask questions. Assist students by providing general information about services offered and refers them to college and community resources as necessary. 处理偶尔陷入困境的学生的能力也很重要.
- 通过阅读和理解KEYS指南,准备和监督学生出勤记录, 包括:计算, 根据学生计划和活动创建考勤表. This includes performing time calculations including minutes to decimal conversion and addition on up to 1000 attendance records per month to be data entered.
- 导航, operating and executing work in the Commonwealth 员工发展 System (慢性消耗病) including data-entry of attendance records, 维护/更新学生记录, case noting and serves as a principal operator in systems Commonwealth 员工发展 System (慢性消耗病)-database for the Department of Human Services and other databases used at 中国澳门博彩官网.
- 协助KEYS项目进行反向推荐, KEYS 取向 and Intake for students referred to KEYS by the County Assistance Office to 中国澳门博彩官网.
- 协助学生使用CareerLink, 慢性消耗病, 指南针, MyPortal, 自助服务和任何其他学生访问的程序.
- Organize and maintain 键项目’s confidential filing system that includes each KEYS student’s identifying information, TANF /临时信息, 教育信息, 就业信息, 评估信息, 获得的支助服务/奖励, 项目出勤记录,包括医疗文件和其他敏感信息.
- 完成指定的文书工作,包括但不限于做好会议记录, 安排预约, 给来电者提供信息, 打字, 字(词)处理技术, 数据库维护, 维护电子表格, 记录, 校对, 和归档.
- 协助员工和学生,完成学生工资单和就业文书工作.
- 保持与学生,教师,员工等的中央通信控制. 用于KEYS程序.
- 通过适当的中国澳门博彩官网方法/程序订购供应品.
- 按要求学习新的计算机程序.
- 协助项目主管和员工更新和创建标准操作程序.
- 维护培训责任, 安排和委派任务给勤工俭学和其他学生雇员.
- 协助KEYS员工维护激励计划, FAP计划和计划的事件和必要的报告.
- 完成分配的其他与工作相关的职责.
成功地完成这项工作, 个人必须能够圆满地履行每一项基本职责. The requirements listed below are representative of the knowledge, skill, and/or ability required. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions.
- High School Diploma with a minimum of three (3) years of administrative assistance experience in a fast-paced environment required OR Post-Secondary Certification or Associate’s Degree with a minimum of one (1) year of administrative assistance experience.
- 较强的计算机技能,如在线数据管理系统经验, 视频通话平台和微软熟练,包括但不限于, 团队, 词, Excel和Outlook. 须经入职前测试
- 解决问题的能力, adjust to change and find new ways to use technology to improve internal process and reduce paper forms
- Experience working in an educational setting or 员工发展 Employment and Training Programs or other historically underserved populations
- 有英联邦劳动力发展系统(慢性消耗病)和/或同事/埃卢西亚经验
- 双语:英语/西班牙语
- 熟练使用Microsoft Office办公软件,包括团队, Excel, 词和Outlook
- 熟悉Zoom、团队等电话会议软件
- Proficient in the use of modern technology and comfortable with learning and utilizing new software tools and technologies
- 较强的客户服务技能
- 了解大学的实践和功能
- 具有批判性思维和良好的判断力
- 优秀的书面和口头沟通能力
- 注重细节
- 能够在最少的直接监督下完成任务
能够阅读和理解简单的指示、简短的信函和备忘录. 能够写简单的信件. Ability to effectively present information in one-on-one and small group situations to customers, 客户, 及书院其他雇员.
添加能力, 减去, 乘, 然后除以所有的度量单位, 使用整数, 常见的分数, 特别是在转换和添加时间时. 能够计算比率,比率和百分比,并绘制和解释条形图.
运用常识理解执行书面指示的能力, 口服, 或者图表形式. 能够在标准化的情况下处理涉及多个具体变量的问题.
The physical demands described 在这里 are representative of those that must be met by an employee to successfully perform the essential functions of this job. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions.
在履行这项工作的职责时,员工经常被要求说话或倾听. 员工经常被要求站着,坐着,用手和胳膊伸手. 员工有时需要走路、弯腰、跪下、蹲下或爬行. 员工必须偶尔举起或移动25磅的重量.
The work environment characteristics described 在这里 are representative of those an employee encounters while performing the essential functions of this job. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. 工作环境中的噪音水平通常是适中的.